The Leirvika site is located in Masfjorden municipality.
The site has a MAB of 1560 tons.
Generation V22 H23
Escapes 0 0
Mortality birds 0 0
Mortality mammals 0 0
EUL (unexplained losses) 7.15
WNMT (drug treatments) 0 0
Here you can find updated lice figures for the Leirvika site
The Dyrholmen site is located just west of the islet called Dyrholmen in Fitjar municipality.
The site has a MAB of 1560 tons.
Generation H21 H23
Escapes 0 0
Mortality birds 0 0
Mortality mammals 0 0
EUL (unexplained losses) 10.94
WNMT (drug treatments) 0 0
Here you can find updated lice numbers for Dyrholmen
The Laberget site is located in Masfjorden municipality. The site has a MAB of 2340 tons.
Generation H21 H23
Escapes 0 0
Mortality birds 0 0
Mortality mammals 0 0
EUL (unexplained losses) 5.51
WNMT (drug treatments) 2 0
Here you can find updated lice figures for the Laberget site